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Adding a new scheduled task in the calendar

Before creating a scheduled task, it is necessary to differentiate the two types of task.

In the calendar, task duration of more than 24 hours are at the top (red task in the example below) while the tasks of less than 24 hours (green task  in the example below) appear in the hourly detailed area.

task duration


Creation fo a new scheduled task

There are 2 ways to create a new scheduled task in the Task Planner.

Beware that if you are in the Weekly view, the Monthly view or the Yearly view, this action creates a All Day Task element by default.

Beware that if you are in the Daily view or Work day view the time period is one hour by default.

Modify a scheduled task

Modifying a scheduled task is possible by selecting the task in the calendar and by clicking on the Task Properties button.

A double click on the task in the calendar also opens the dialog box  Edit Scheduled Task.

If the task has been scheduled to be recurring, this intermediate dialog box below appears.

edit recurrence serie

If you select Open this occurrence only this instance of this task for the selected day will be changed thus creating an exception.

If you select Open the series all the occurrences of this task will change.

Edition of a scheduled task

In both cases, creation or modification, the Edit Scheduled Task dialog box below is displayed

Edit Scheduled Task

First fill the subject field with a text describing the goal of this new task in the calendar.

Select a task Expression. The Task Expression defines the action(s) performed in the period(s) of the task. Wizard

Label: Color uses to sort the usage of the task in the calendar


Running Mode Area

The Running Mode area of scheduled task editor offers 4 choices of operating mode:

Scheduled task

The Send Event checkbox activates the sending of a LoriotPro Event  to select from the available Event list.

The Start Time and End Time fields define the date and time of start and end of the period of execution of the scheduled task.

Task lenght

The checkbox All day task imposes to the task to be active the whole day (24 hours). She appears at the top out of the time zone in the Daily view (Daily).

CAUTION: If a scheduled task  covers several days, creating a recurrence may eventually generate multiple execution of it.

Select a task Expression

In the Edit Scheduled Task dialog, the Task Expression field defines the action performed in (the) time (s) associated (s).

task expression

Click on the Wizard Wizard to open the Task Edit Expression Wizard below:

task planner expression

The dialog offer 2 ways for task selection.

Description of the Tasks





Start Polling process

Start the Polling process of LoriotPro


Stop Polling process

Stop the Polling process of LoriotPro


Start Discover Process

Start the Discover process of LoriotPro


Stop Discover Process

Stop the Discover process of LoriotPro


Start Audit Process

Stop the Audit process


Stop Audit Process

Stop the Audit process


Start Plugin



Stop Plugin



Generate a HTML report

Collect a WEB page on a remote server with its url


Send an EMAIL

Send a email to somebody


Send a SMS

Send a SMS to somebody (require the SMS Dispatch Manager)


Send Event

Send a LoriotPro event to itself or to another LoriotPro



Send a syslog to a syslog server (LoriotPro is a syslog server)


Show an ActiveView

Display on of the ActiveView


Create a Windows POPUP

Display a windows popup


Run a Windows program

Start a Windows program


Check WEB server running state (get a Web page)

Check if a WEB server is alive


Run a single LUA script

Launch a script LUA


Run a single LUA script over a group of hosts

Launch a script LUA over a grpup of hosts


Stop LoriotPro and quit

Stop LoriotPro and quit the application





HOST checks &  properties



Check PING statut (on % of last 100 requests)



Check SNMP statut (on % of last 100 requests)



Check SNMP value



Set SNMP value



Disable all polling

Disable the PING and SNMP availability polling


Enable all polling

Enable the PING and SNMP availability polling


Disable the Ping polling of a host

Disable the PING availability polling


Enable the Ping polling of a host

Enable the PING availability polling


Disable the SNMP polling of a host

Disable the SNMP availability polling


Enable the SNMP polling of a host

Enable the availability polling


Disable an audit process of a host

Disable the audit process of a host


Enable an audit process of a host

Enable the audit process of a host











Disable  all filter/actions of all Events

Désactive tous les filtres de tous les Events


Enable  all filter/actions of all Events

Active tous les filtres de tous les Events


Disable all filter/actions of an Event

Désactive tous les filtres d’un Event


Enable all filter/actions of an Event

Active tous les filtres d’un Event


Disable a filter/action of an Event

Désactive un filtre d’un Event


Enable a filter/action of an Event

Active un filtre d’un Event


Acknowledge all counters of all Events

Acquitte tous les compteurs de tous les Events


Acknowledge the counter of an Event

Acquitte le compteur d’un Event


Acknowledge Event filter/action

Remize à zéro du compteur d’un filtre d’Event





Disable  all filters/actions of all Traps

Désactive tous les filtres de tous les Traps


Enable  all filters/actions of all Traps

Active tous les filtres de tous les Traps


Disable all filters/actions of a Trap

Désactive tous les filtres d’un Trap


Enable all filters/actions of a Trap

Active tous les filtres d’un Trap


Disable a filter/action of a Trap

Désactive un filtre d’un Trap


Enable a filter/action of a trap

Active un filtre d’un Trap





Acknowledge the counter of all filters/actions of all Traps

Remize à zéro de tous les compteurs de tous les filtres de Traps


Acknowledge the counter of a filter/action of a Trap

Remize à zéro de tous le compteur d’un filtre de Trap








Acknowledge all Syslog






Global Object



Stop Global Object



Expression applied to a Group of Hosts

Expression applied to a Group of Hosts use LUA scripts to perform a batch processing on a host selection.

By clicking on a Bulk Expression the following dialog box is displayed.

hots list selection

The Yes option opens a dialog for the selection of a list (LUA file) previously created with the button Save Selection as LUA of the dialog box used for the creation of hosts list.

The No option opens the dialog box below used for the creation of hosts list.

host list creation

When clicking on a Bulk Expression a dialog box is displayed. It is necessary to select at least one host or more with a drag and drop from the directory on the left toward the host list on the right.

When the list is complete, quit with the Save and Quit button. A dialog box opens to enter the name of the file containing the list of hosts for this treatment.

The created list can be saved with Save Selection as LUA for future use. This avoids in the case of complex selections having to recreate the list every time.
Hosts lists are saved in LUA script file in the directory /bin/config/taskplanner/hostlist/.