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Effects applied to an Active View object

Effects can be applied to a graphical object located in an Active View of LoriotPro

Among the possible effect that can be done, there are:

How to acces the effects properties of an object

Select the properties of the object within the Active View. You can be in Edit mode or in exploitation mode.

Select the Effect Tabs, you should have a dialog box like below.

Effects tab

Mouse over effect

You can set:

Flip this object with Image 2: The default image set for this object with change for the image define in Iamge2 area of this dialog box.

Draw Grey Cadre: Add a surrounding rectangle to the object

Auto Reload Image: Force the loading of the image from the file instead of memory. If the image is a graph that is generated regularly this option force the load of the last version.

No Draw Text: This option hides the small text of the object name appearing by default on the left bottom side when the mouse is over.

Zoom this object: ACtivate the Zomm effect

Zoom Add X: Define the number of pixels added to its X width

Zoom Add Y: Define the number of pixels added to its Y hight

Move option

Centered: the object is zommed around its center

Direct: the object is moved to the X,Y position from the top left corner of the Active View drawing area

Relatif: the object is moved to the X,Y position from the center of the current object

Below an example of a zoom effect with a relatif sifht of ten pixel in X and Y.

Extended LUA Data

The Extended LUA Data option allows you to define a reference number for this object and a number of time to play an animation script.

The reference will be use by an animation script to manipulate this object among other.